Oasis blog
Below is a selection of our top blogs. Keep up to date with all the latest news from Oasis.
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Crew Focus: Tour Leader Ricardo
Oasis Overland Tour Leader Ricardo has worked with us in South America for nearly 10 years - learn a little bit about him.
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South Africa - a fantastic destination even in the winter
A regular question I get asked is; when is the best time to go on a trip. I totally understand this question, as I would want to know myself.
However this can be hard to answer, mainly because with the current climate this makes the weather not as predictable as it used to be and it depends on where you want to go and what you want to do.
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Top lakes to see on your travels
The world is full of natural wonders, and we think it’s a waste never to see at least a few of them. So, why not join us on an Oasis Overland adventure and start viewing more of the spectacular world we live in? As an example of the sights, you could see along the way, check out these top lakes to see on your travels – all of them are included on an Oasis Overland tour!
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Reducing your SUP (single-use-plastic) on your Oasis Overland Trip
Many of our travellers are pretty clued up about cutting out plastic in their lives at home. I’m sure you’re the same: getting your take out coffee in a reusable cup, refusing plastic straws, or taking reusable bags to the supermarket. However, when travelling, sometimes, these good habits lapse. It’s easy to accept the plastic straw when you’re drinking a pretty cocktail, or say yes to the plastic bag because you didn’t bring a reusable one with you. It might even be that faced with a camping holiday, you don’t know what to pack or what alternatives you can bring to help reduce the amount of plastic you use.
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Not all insurance policies are created equal!
Insurance; I know it isn’t the most exciting topic when thinking about booking your next trip, but it is hugely important to consider!
The question to ask yourself is; what have I got in place to protect myself or to protect the costs of my trip if the worst were to happen?
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Central Asia: why is it the next big thing
Three weeks, four countries, and a trip into the deep heart of Central Asia. Sound like your type of trip? Read on to discover more about our Silk Road Highlights Expedition to one of our favourite destinations.
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South Africa: Katie's Blog part 1
Katie from our Africa desk trip joined one of our fantastic South Africa trips. It sounds like an incredible jounrey so far, check out where she has been and what she has seen below……
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Crew Focus: Talbot
Meet Talbot one of Oasis Overlands driver, He has driven in Africa and Central Asia.
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What's your excuse
Have you ever wanted to jet off to far flung exciting places, only to be held back by, well, yourself? Travelling solo can be scary, but here’s the way to do it.
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What to Pack
Packing for a camping trip that’s going to take you through the deserts of Africa, the mountains of South America or the captivating culture of the Ancient Silk Road is tough! How many pairs of trousers do you need? Are 3 t shirts really going to be enough? And will you really need a dress/nice shirt?!
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Morocco a must see destination for all travellers
Located in the North of Africa, Morocco is a popular destination for all travellers including families. Full of colourful culture, vibrant communities and beautiful sunny weather, it’s easy to understand why people love it so much! If you haven’t yet been, it really should be high on your destination wish list!
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Whats it like on an Oasis Pakistan Tour?
Northern Pakistan is an incredibly beautiful and friendly place to visit and I was lucky enough to join our PAKISTAN Karakorum Highlights & Chitral Valley (21 days) tour. Here are a few pointers on what to expect.
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Crew Focus: Cary
Oasis Overland Driver Cary, has worked with us in South America and Central Asia - learn a little bit about him.
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The wonder of the Galapagos Islands
Nestled in the waters of the Pacific Ocean are the beautiful Galapagos Islands, part of the South American country of Ecuador, which sits around 1,000km away. There are 13 main islands in the group, 5 of which are completely uninhabited, and all of which hold plenty to explore.