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Yes, we have another new trip to tell you about! This one is truly adventurous – a one off exploratory overland journey along the Silk Road. Travelling through Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and China, there will be two overland trucks, one carrying our trusty Oasis Overland travellers and the other a Japanese film crew who will be documenting the trip!
If you’d like to be part of pioneering a new Oasis Overland route with us and to be involved in a trip where things do not always go according to plan, then join us! The overland expedition starts in Istanbul on 6th June 2012, ends in Beijing on 18th September and costs £3350 plus US$1900 local payment.
Everyone receives a DVD with footage of the trip and there is a chance you will appear on Japanese TV!
Find out more about our 15 weeks Exploratory Silk Road Expedition