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A few words from Oasis Overland tour leaders Danny who is in South America.
How long have you been overlanding? Since 2012
What was your first overland trip? Rio to Quito Kingdoms and Carnivals. I really wanted to go to Macchu Picchu and Iguazu Falls and this trip went to both those places…and a lot in between! I wasn’t very well prepared and didn’t even bring a sleeping bag, or roll mat!
Funniest Overlanding moment : there have been a few:
- Being asked what the altitude is when camped up on a sandy beach
- a monkey poo-ing down my back in Puerto Maldonado
Happiest overlanding memory: again, there are a few
- waking up to put the kettle on in the morning, and someone’s already done it! A great feeling!
- getting a full load of dry laundry back!
Favourite place/activity: El Chalten, Patagonia -beautiful walks, ice climbing, stunning scenery, artisan brewery next door and Patagonian lamb for dinner! Perfect!
Recommended destinations for 2018: The Guianas, and, Patagonia in winter
Best truck meal: Have had so many excellent truck meals. My worst meal stands out more: cheesy pasta…cement! Inedible!
Advice for Oasis travellers:
- Don’t hook up with another traveller on day 1….day 2 …….in fact any day before day 7!!
- Bring wet wipes, a head torch and a headphone splitter with you
Final Words of Wisdom: Hydrate before you dehydrate!